Around the globe, tea holds an exalted place among beverages. Actually, next to water, tea is the most consumed beverage in the world. Among the different types of tea, Green tea is one of the richest natural sources of antioxidants. Green, oolong, and black teas all come from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis, but […]
Author Archives: Wendy T.
Seven Days to Better Health!
If you add one new healthy habit each day for seven days, you will be on the road to better health than you’ve ever experienced. Some of the simplest things in life work the best and this is certainly true of the health tips in this article. A healthy diet is not about restriction, it’s […]
How to Avoid Toxic Sunscreens
After many years of tanning and sun-worshipping, reports came to light that said almost any amount of exposure to the sun would, and had resulted in skin cancer. Since then (several decades) we’ve been told that the sun is dangerous and we should cover up our skin anytime we go out. It was decided by […]
The Human Body Clock
Every organ in your body has a repair/maintenance schedule to keep on a daily basis. Most of us in the West have never been aware of this, but Chinese and Ayurvedic holistic health practitioners have known this for hundreds of years.
Get The Most From Your Exercise
Whether you are a gym rat or a beginner, wouldn’t you like to know if you are over-training, under-training, or wasting your time with certain exercises? It’s time to get the most from your exercise routine! When it comes to fitness, like everything else in life, there is a right way and a wrong way […]
What You Should Know: Swine Flu Outbreak 2009
While the flu is always being passed around the human population, it hardly ever reaches epidemic proportions; however, in the 20th century there have been three flu pandemics. What causes a flu pandemic to occur is when a new strain of the virus arises that most people have no immunity to. World health officials are […]
How to Naturally Improve Your Fertility
Clinical studies show that in many situations, infertility can be effectively treated naturally with good nutrition and some lifestyle changes.
What You Need To Know About Progesterone Hormones
Progesterone is one of the many hormones produced that regulates and stimulates various functions in our bodies. While most of us are aware of estrogen, little attention is focused on progesterone. Progesterone is produced by the ovaries, the placenta when a woman is pregnant and also by the adrenal glands. It’s primary function is to […]
Five Easy Ways to Reduce Your Cancer Risk
Small changes to your diet and lifestyle that can make a big impact. If you are not fighting your own battle with cancer today, chances are you know someone who is, or someone who has either already lost or won their fight.
Depression and Anxiety on the Rise
Depression has become one of the prevalent problems in the world today and is becoming a major killer as well. It’s staggering that 15% of depressed people will commit suicide, and that statistic is so sad and so unnecessary. Depressive disorders affect approximately 18.8 million American adults or about 9.5% of the U.S. population age […]
The Real Skinny on Dietary Fats
If a low-fat lifestyle is good for our health and for weight-control, then why are we a nation of chronically ill people who are overweight or obese?
Giving Is Good for the Soul
I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver. – Maya Angelou Most people have heard that giving and volunteering are “good for the soul” but they have little, if any, actual proof. In his book, “More Give to Live”, Douglas Lawson cites research that shows how helping others […]
Meditation Basics
Meditation has been defined as: “self regulation of attention, in the service of self-inquiry, in the here and now.” The various techniques of meditation can be classified according to their focus. Some focus on the field or background perception and experience, also called “mindfulness”; others focus on a pre-selected specific object, and are called “concentrative” […]
Fertility Awareness Basics
Fertility Awareness Method, or FAM, has been used for over 30 years as a natural method of birth control by thousands of couples around the world and is based on the charting and analysis of certain simple body signs that change with changes in a woman’s menstrual cycle. On the other hand, it is also […]
What is Integrative Medicine or CAM?
The terms “integrative” or “integrated medicine” indicate combinations of conventional mainstream and alternative medical treatments which have some scientific proof of effectiveness. Dr. Andrew Weil, well-known American author and physician, is best known for establishing and popularizing the field of integrative medicine. He claims that the meaning and the mission of integrative medicine calls for […]
What is Alternative Medicine?
Alternative medicine is any form of practice that is outside the area of conventional modern medicine. It covers a broad range of healing philosophies, approaches, and therapies. Most of these treatments and health care practices are not taught widely in medical schools. Examples are naturopathy, chiropractic, Ayurveda, homeopathy, herbalism, nutrition therapy, osteopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, […]
Atkins Diet
The Atkins Diet involves the restriction of carbohydrates in order to switch the body’s metabolism from burning glucose (a simple sugar) to burning stored body fat. The process: when the body has no excess carbohydrates (its preferred fuel) to burn, it will burn protein for a few days instead. Since burning protein for very long […]
Sally Fallon Diet
Nutrition researcher, community activist, journalist, chef, and homemaker, Sally Fallon is the author of Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats. This well-researched, thought-provoking guide to traditional foods contains a startling message: Animal fats and cholesterol are not villains but vital factors in the diet, necessary for normal growth, […]
Improving the Way We Eat
Our ancestors pretty much had a universal eating schedule. Everyone ate breakfast, lunch and dinner at about the same time everyday. And, there wasn’t all the snacking between meals that we have nowadays. Families sat down together to share a relaxed home-cooked meal usually at breakfast and dinner. It was quality family time when they […]
Guide to Eating Naturally
In just a few generations, we have completely transformed what, when and how we eat. We get most of our food from supermarkets and those foods contain chemicals, additives and sweeteners. We eat that stuff along with fried and fast foods. We eat in our cars, at our desks and in front of the TV. […]