Walking is still one of the simplest and most effective exercises. It helps you to lose weight, stay in shape, and maintain good health. Approximately 67 million Americans of all ages walk for exercise regularly. One of the best things about walking, it can be done with others, pets or alone. You can walk inside […]
Author Archives: Wendy T.
Let Food Be Thy Medicine
Nearly 2,500 years ago Hippocrates is purported to have said, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” Granted, there weren’t many drugs around in 400 b.c., so the Father of Medicine might just have been covering his bases. Still, science has since proven that Hippocrates was indeed onto something—namely, that the food […]
11 Healing Foods
Ever wonder what foods are best for you? Pondering which foods will keep you healthy and well can be a daunting task. A trip to the typical American grocery store can be a bit overwhelming between the competing ads, food labels and health claims. Your best option for choosing health foods is to trusts the […]
Practicing Yoga to Achieve Weight Loss
Yoga is probably not an obvious choice of activity when it comes to weight loss but despite the speed of the movements it is deceptively effective and here’s why.
The Importance of Whole Foods
When we think of malnutrition, we automatically think of under-developed nations that struggle to feed their people. While this is true, did you know that a large percentage of Americans are malnourished? How can this be, you ask? America is the land of plenty, and just look around – there is a real problem with […]
Organic Foods vs. Non-Organic Foods
Organic foods are raised without chemicals and processed without additives. Under standards adopted by the U.S. Agriculture Dept. (USDA) in 2000 and fully effective in 2002, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and antibiotics may not be used in raising organic foods, and the use of irradiation, biotechnology, and sewer-sludge fertilizer is also banned.
What Is Nutrition?
Nutrition is a word that gets tossed around all the time, but do you really know what it means? Most people would say it means the food we put into our bodies, and that’s basically true. However, the meaning of nutrition to us is a lot more complicated than that.